Are you thinking of hosting a sale on your shopify store set up? Do not know how to do it? Worry not we at Akuna have designed a perfect app to host an ideal “sale season” at your shopify store setup. We take pride in introducing you to our app by Akuna’s shopify app development team : Quantify Quantify an app from Akuna’s shopify app development team is a Shopify app developed mainly to help shop owners gain control of selling quantities. As the name suggests, it is used for quantifying your items. Want to know how you can use
Tag Archives: Shopify development companies
Difference between Shopify store setup and woo-commerce.
When it comes to developing e-commerce stores, many of you are unsure about which is the best platform to use. With plenty of options available to us, each with its own strengths, ITs often confusing. Today we are going to help you out to know the difference between Shopify store set up and WooCommerce, and understand which suits your needs best. 1. Design – Design is one important factor for e-commerce sites and there is no doubt that stores with the best design and look would lure more customers. One of the best USPs of Shopify store setup platform is
Shopify Integrations that will boost your Online Store| Shopify Experts Sydney
Shopify is an online store builder that is popular around the world. Shopify store set up makes it much easier for businesses to manage their online store and customers to use it with ease. Shopify store set-up is laden with many awesome features and also offers a platform to integrate many more as we wish. Shopify store set-up provides the users with solutions that would include reviews, product recommendations, loyalty programs, and many more. Apart from these, users can integrate third-party integration that can help the experience provided by the online store to be deeper and allow you to make
How to do a Shopify store set-up for guaranteed success!
Shopify is a craze now! Everyone who had the dream of becoming a businessman can be one with the help of Shopify! The advancements in technology are making everything possible. One of the greatest defining features of Shopify is that you needn’t be a tech-savvy person to start your online store and do your business online. Most Shopify stores across the world are being managed by people with little technical knowledge. This makes the Shopify store setup an easy task that anyone can do with. Even though technical knowledge isn’t something that is necessary for Shopify store setup, the knowledge