Shopify app helps you to boost your sales and have many solutions to your Shopify store.There are many free apps available. Also, Shopify gives the advantage of designing apps as per your requirement. If you are thinking of putting on your development hat to build your own app, then this is the right time. We here at Akuna bring you a guide that will help you to develop an app. This will guide you to build the best Shopify app development. We have prepared this guide right from the desks our developers’ team to help budding developer like you. What
How to do a Shopify store set-up for guaranteed success!
Shopify is a craze now! Everyone who had the dream of becoming a businessman can be one with the help of Shopify! The advancements in technology are making everything possible. One of the greatest defining features of Shopify is that you needn’t be a tech-savvy person to start your online store and do your business online. Most Shopify stores across the world are being managed by people with little technical knowledge. This makes the Shopify store setup an easy task that anyone can do with. Even though technical knowledge isn’t something that is necessary for Shopify store setup, the knowledge
Develop your Shopify Store with the Best
Are you a business that did well with a brick-and-mortar store a few years ago and now losing your sales to your competitors running businesses online? Have you ever felt the need to run your business online so as to reap more sales? These are the most common things that business still operating the old fashioned way encounters. This means that it is time to move to e-commerce, harness its various tools and start reaping the many benefits it provides. There are also many platforms that provide you with the means to begin an online commerce store, but nothing is
Benefits of Expanding your Business to E-commerce
Are you a business doing well in your brick-and-mortar store? But have you ventured out into e-commerce? Have anyone carried out e-commerce web development for your business? If not, then you are falling way behind your competition. No matter how old fashioned one is, it is high time that they adapt to the changes so as to stay competitive. Shopify E-commerce or e-commerce web development in any other platforms is the new mode of retailing of products and service. This mode is much popular in these present times that is characterised by a fast and busy lifestyle. What e-commerce provides
Ways to Improve your E-commerce Store’s Security
The most important component that any e-commerce store or website should have is website security. As an e-commerce store is a place where sensitive information such as card details is entered and out in the open, people may back out or refuse to shop online because they fear that their information might be stolen, or even auctioned off. The only way to get people shop at your online store is by ensuring them that your store is safe and secure, and that no prying eyes can steal information from them. Now, as e-commerce store security has become of paramount interest,
Build the Best Partnership with the Best Offshore Company
Offshore partnerships are one of the best ways to ensure that your company is able to complete the tasks they are entrusted with. Through offshore partnerships, the original company can outsource the work to the offshore company it has partnered with and get the task done in the best way possible. Offshore partnerships come into play when businesses are trying to lower the cost of the tasks. Offshore outsourcing is mostly done by companies in developed countries where the cost of manpower and other necessary elements are much higher. The offshore companies they have partnered with would be situated in
Run your Business on the Go with Shopify Ping
The great revolution that e-commerce retailing brought about was that businesses could sell their products anywhere, anytime. The benefit for customers was that they didn’t have to wait in long queues or wait till the store was open the next day, as stores are always open online. E-commerce retailing made it much easy for customers, who could even purchase the things they needed on the go. But for businesses, in order to manage their online store, they needed to be in front of a computer, spending their valuable time, which they could have used for other purposes. Well, it is
Top E-commerce Trends to Look out for in 2019
From almost 2 or 3 decades ago when the first e-commerce transaction did happen, till the present day, the industry of e-commerce is ever-evolving. With the passage of each year, many new trends would come to the industry, aiming at providing a better experience for customers and store owners. E-commerce did take the world by storm. It added too much convenience to the customers that they could easily shop without leaving the comfort of their room. They could get the products delivered right at their doorstep and pay for the services online too. For store owners, it was an easier
Tips to Write and Effective Welcome Email
Marketing is one of the most important things while running a business and there are many ways of marketing that you can avail of to build your brand or business. One, and one of the most popular, type of marketing is Email marketing. Email marketing has been around for so long but still has been able to retain its charm. Presently, it is one of the most effective channels of boosting your business by generating more sales and repeat customers. When it comes to customer retention, emails hold the most power and it can also be used to connect with
Migrate from 3dcart to Shopify for Business Growth
You launch an online store after learning of the success others have experienced. The success of an online store depends on the platform it is launched on as much as it depends on the marketing techniques. So, which is the best e-commerce store platform? Undoubtedly, it is Shopify. This is the platform which can deliver you the success you desire while venturing out into the vast world of e-commerce. This is a true fact which is underlined by more than 600000 businesses using Shopify for online retailing. Shopify is the most popular online store in the world which boasts of