Getting back to the agenda where we left last week, we were discussing why people/consumers are more interested in getting reviews for any product they seek to buy. Find out in today’s blog section: Did you know that 93% of customers today first read online reviews before making a purchase for anything? One of the simplest ways influencers can add value to their followers is by providing unbiased reviews that are honest and straight to the point. More to this, 38% of respondents indicated content in the form of reviews by influencers was really helpful. This preference held true for
Monthly Archives: March 2022
Do consumers trust social media influencers? Here’s what statistics show and allow us to elaborate on this agenda for you today in this blog. Whether you love them or hate them, but one thing you can’t do is avoid social media and social media influencers. Yup, they’ve become integral to many social media marketing strategies as businesses are shifting more resources digitally than offline. Everything is becoming online and so is marketing. Remember, while this can create new sales and marketing opportunities, heavily relying on social media isn’t risk-free too! Businesses lose ownership over their contacts with a social-first strategy,
Ecommerce has evolved in many ways from the time it began, and it’s changing the way we live, shop and do businesses online. Presenting a big opportunity for entrepreneurs to set up shop and start selling with no physical carpet area required. Here’s what you need to know about this type of business on the internet. How it all became so popular and so vast? Selling products and services over the internet took on new importance during the COVID-19 pandemic, as business owners and consumers had no choice but to embrace e-commerce and it’s potential. That shift is definitely here